VFX Project initiation report

Ive chosen to explore the VFX and tech artst skill set more. My current vfx/shaders and tech skills are at the basic level. I would love to improve these significantly over the trimester. Below are some VFX/shader video examples of my current skillset:

Here are some images as well:

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The standard im eventually aiming to get to by the end of my VFX career would be stuff like Ryan Brucks

However for this trimester im aimint to make cool shader functions and differnt elemental shaders as well as learning how to make swimable water or stuff throughout the blue print system in UE4 as well as getting more advanced at cascade. Yoeri Luos Vleer is a happy medium for the difficulty of his particles and I still struggle to follow his mesh based particles since I dont quite yet understand how a mesh is supposed to behave in cascade with particles. But i think his tutorials are a good start for easy to medium particle systems.

What I need to Learn?

  • Medium to advances particle systems in cascade
  • How to apply Vector fields uniquely in UE4
  • Need to learn more about after effects and video editing VFX to enhance projects
  • Different ways to use the material editor and BP functions.

Project Idea:

My project idea for my specialisation is to make a sci fi map with a hard surface modeller. Using this layout form including VFX.

Reference Material:

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